Who needs Travel Insurance and how do I find the correct Travel Insurance for Travel to the Schengen Area?

Generally, anyone who is traveling to any of the countries in the Schengen area needs to take out travel insurance. However, for citizens who enjoy visa-free status it isn’t mandatory to have travel insurance although it’s still a good idea to have some. For citizens who need a visa to be able to enter the Schengen area, as mentioned above, it is a mandatory requirement of the visa application process. Proof of travel insurance must be provided to the embassy to avoid a rejected application.

How do I find the correct travel insurance for travel to the Schengen area?

You can search online or use an agent such as Schengen Visa Itinerary. We are here to help you with your travel insurance requirements easily, without any hassle. We have years of experience in helping customers with their visa applications and can tell you what travel insurance plans would be suitable for a Schengen visa.

To assist you through this process smoothly, our team at Schengen Visa Itinerary has created several packages to suit the needs of different kinds of travelers. These packages not only include Travel Insurance for visa, but other required documents too, such as Hotel Booking for Visa Application, Flight Itinerary for visa application.

With regards to Schengen travel medical insurance for visa, Schengen Visa Itinerary, offers three kinds of service options for you to choose from:

1.       Normal delivery – receive insurance letter for visa within 24 hours

2.       Priority delivery – receive insurance letter for visa within 6 hours

3.       Rush delivery – receive insurance letter for visa within 1 hour. You can speak with the support representatives on how to get this done

Simply pick a delivery option and we will get the job done for you quickly and efficiently. Let us do all the hard work, so you can enjoy the countdown to your trip!

The process of getting a Travel Insurance for visa application is simple and quick, just follow these steps:

1.       Visit the Schengen Visa Itinerary website

2.       Complete the online application form. You have to give your name, nationality, age, destination, and the dates of travel.

2.       Select which plan you want.

3.       Make the payment. You can usually pay by a credit/debit card or through PayPal. The cost of the insurance plan depends on the information you provided (age, length of trip) as well as the plan you chose.

4.       Download and print the Insurance Certificate. You need this to hand in to the Embassy when you apply for a visa. It will be in PDF format.

Do embassies verify the Flight Itinerary and Hotel Reservation and Why do Embassies Ask for Flight Itinerary & Hotel Booking?

Yes, embassies may check the flight details or ticket submitted with a visa application by getting in touch with the airlines directly to verify the validity of the reservation. This is carried out to guarantee the veracity and accuracy of the information submitted on the visa application.

That is why you are strongly suggested to carefully search for the right website that is highly rated by its users, that directs you to the right visa consultation services. We recommend Schengen Visa Itinerary where you can get support for most of your visa requirements such as Flight Itineraries, Hotel Reservations and Travel Insurance along with free consultation over email. Its services are cheap and genuine, and many people claim it has helped them a lot.

You can use one of the services, a combination of two of them or all three, if you need so. In addition, you have the opportunity to choose between getting the service delivered within 6 hours or 24 hours.

Why do Embassies Ask for Flight Itinerary & Hotel Booking?

The visa embassies acknowledge the fact that it is not wise to purchase a flight ticket or pay for a hotel stay before you get your visa. Even if you are suggested to get one, which you can avail “free cancellation”, don’t do so since flight tickets which you can cancel are at least 25% more expensive than non-cancellation flights. The case is the same with hotel rooms, as explained above.

Even the European Union’s visa consulate advises those applying for a Schengen visa not to purchase real tickets but only travel itinerary and hotel booking instead. Despite that, some others oblige the applicants to purchase and present their original air ticket when going to collect their visa, as the last condition.

You may ask yourself why embassies around the world are asking for such a document when it can be cancelled very easily. Well, the reasons are as following:

To prove you will not be overstaying

The main reason why these two requirements are so important for embassies around the world is that this is just another way to make sure you will be going back to your home country upon the end of your visa validity. Because the flight itinerary shows the dates of your arrival and departure, and the hotel booking reconfirms them, this assures the embassy that you have no intention to remain in their country after the expiration of your visa. It also supports the reason for travelling that you have presented to the consular officers.

Deciding the length of the visa

The second reason is that it helps the consular officers decide on the length of your visa validity. Upon having the itinerary in their hand they have it clear exactly how many days you need to remain in their country, thus they avoid limiting you to stay for less than you need or giving you a visa that exceeds your needs.

Deciding at what embassy you should apply

This is valid only for those applying for a Schengen Visa. A common Schengen visa rule says that the visitors that plan to go through two or more countries of the Schengen Zone must apply at the embassy of the country where they will be staying longer. Therefore, when you present the itinerary and the hotel booking, you actually prove that you are applying to the right embassy.

If you need support with an upcoming trip to the Schengen Area, please contact us today.

Should I Purchase Schengen Travel Insurance If I Have Domestic Insurance and How To Buy Schengen Visa Travel Insurance Online?

Yes, you should. Domestic insurance plans have coverage only within the country they were purchased in, and do not cover international travel. If you have domestic insurance but you also plan to travel to Europe, then you will have to get a Schengen visa insurance plan to cover you abroad.

Travel Insurance is mandatory for a Schengen Visa. In fact, it is compulsory that your insurance policy provides medical coverage of at least 30,000 euros on your trip. You can also get an affordable Travel Insurance from Schengen Visa Itinerary. Its services are cheap and genuine, and many people claim it has helped them a lot.

Travel health insurance protects you from financial losses as a result of medical emergencies while you are visiting Europe. If you have a valid insurance policy during your trip, then when you seek medical attention, the insurance company will take over the costs. There are two ways it usually works:

1.       The hospital sends the bill directly to the insurance company. You do not need to pay anything upfront.

2.       You pay the bill yourself, then make a claim with the insurance company to reimburse you. Make sure to save the bill you receive from the hospital.

If you are in an emergency situation, make sure to contact the assistance center as soon as you can so that they can help you or inform you on how to proceed.

How to Buy Schengen Visa Insurance Online?

Most insurance companies operate online, so you can simply purchase a travel insurance plan directly from their website. To purchase one,

1.       Visit Schengen Visa Itinerary Website.

2.       Select the service, which you want (Flight Itinerary, Hotel Reservation and Travel Insurance).

3.       Make the payment. You can usually pay by a credit/debit card or through PayPal. The cost of the insurance plan depends on the information you provided (age, length of trip) as well as the plan you chose.

4.       Download and print the Insurance Certificate. You need this to hand in to the Embassy when you apply for a visa. It will be in PDF format.

Can I get a Physical Hotel Reservation for My Schengen Visa Application without Paying a Fee?

Hotels and online hotel booking agents typically charge customers a certain amount as a deposit when they book accommodation for their visa application.

Find a secure and affordable online Hotel Booking agency that puts you at the center of your business. With Schengen Visa Itinerary, you will receive an instant Visa Application Hotel Confirmation Letter with your actual Hotel Reservation for confirmation by a Visa consulate at a low cost. When booking through this agency, you have the option of not booking yourself and not having to use a credit card. Hotel booking packages include travel dates across Europe based on your itinerary. Additionally, this online agency supports templates of the necessary documents that must be used to apply for a Schengen visa.

Schengen Visa Itinerary can do this for you at a very nominal charge and can even handle multiple hotel reservations at a time. There is absolutely no need for you to feel stressed when we can take care of everything, leaving you to enjoy planning your trip!

Therefore, whether you are planning to visit a single country or multiple countries in the Schengen area, we can take care of all your hotel reservation needs. In addition, if you are planning to visit more than one country, there is no need to create separate hotel itineraries, for a nominal fee, we can put together a suitable package, which covers every little detail of your trip.

They also offer Flight Reservation and affordable Travel Insurance to complete your visa requirements. Everything is very professional and organized according to the official Schengen visa requirements.

When do I have to pay the full amount for the stay?

If you book through an online hotel-booking agency such as Schengen Visa Itinerary, you will not be charged the full payment obligation or the entire length of your stay. This means that the hotel where you booked your visa application will only charge a deposit for the booking fee.

If you have been granted a visa, you will be required to pay the full amount for the duration of your stay at the hotel upon check-in or checkout. However, the hotel will refund the amount deposited for the reservation upon payment to the hotel.

If you need support with an upcoming trip to the Schengen Area, please contact us today.

Should you pay for a Flight Itinerary upfront and why do we need a flight Itinerary without paying for a Visa Application?

It is not recommended to pay for a flight itinerary upfront when applying for a visa. This is because if your application is rejected, you will not be able to get a refund for the ticket. Additionally, airlines may change their prices frequently so that you may pay more than necessary.

It is always best to wait until your visa has been approved before booking any travel arrangements. This way, you can be sure that everything is in order and that you will be able to use the ticket. If you have any questions about the visa application process, please consult an experienced immigration attorney.

You can also get a confirmed flight reservation through a travel agency or through an online visa agency such as Schengen Visa Itinerary. It is always recommended to get a flight reservation through these agencies because they have a lot of information about airlines, giving you access to cheaper flight deals. Most importantly, you can make the flight reservation without payment!

Why do you need a flight reservation without paying for a visa application?

When you apply for, let us say Schengen visa, the embassy or consulate will ask for proof of a return flight. This is to ensure that you are planning to return to your home country and that you will not stay illegally in the country you are visiting.

Flight reservation is necessary for your visa application to be processed. Without one, your application could be rejected.

But, imagine having to buy a flight ticket for your visa application and then it gets rejected. You would be left with a flight ticket, which you cannot use, and a massive hole in your wallet! However, there is a way around this situation. Instead of directly purchasing a flight ticket, get a flight reservation for your visa application. There are a few reasons why you should do this:

1.       You will have the required document for your application

2.       You will not have to fork out hundreds of dollars first

3.       The flight reservation will give all the information that the embassy requires

4.       You will have flexibility to book a flight once your visa gets approved or cancel the reservation if your visa is rejected

5.       If the visa application takes longer to process, you are able to change the dates of travel

6.       In the event of your visa application being rejected, you may not get a full refund from the airline

A flight reservation document looks almost like a flight ticket, except that it does not have a price tag attached to it. Hence, it is also sometimes referred to as a dummy ticket. It comes with a unique reservation ID or code that can be verified from the airlines’ website if the embassy wants. In addition, the flight reservation contains all the information that you would normally have on a flight ticket – point of boarding, point of entry, travel dates, etc.

Most embassies accept a flight itinerary or reservation document as proof of travel on the specified dates. However, do keep in mind that if you are reserving a flight itinerary for your visa application and not actually buying a ticket, it makes good sense to disclose that to the embassy upfront. The flight reservation document helps the embassy validate what you have mentioned in your application form. So in such cases, honesty is always the best policy. You do not want to get rejected for forging documents or providing false information.

If you are planning to obtain your flight reservation for visa without paying for the ticket, all you have to do is follow the simple steps below:

1.       Go to https://www.schengenvisaitinerary.com/

2.       Choose the Plan (Any plan that meets your visa requirements (Flight Itinerary, Hotel Reservation, and Travel Insurance))

3.       Fill or provide the all required details in the flight reservation form

4.       Make the payment via debit/credit card (Buyer Protection)

5.       That’s it! Now you have to wait until they will send you your itinerary via your provided email

How Many Ways to Get the Best Travel Insurance for Schengen Visa Application?

There are two ways to get travel insurance. The first is to do your own research on the internet. This is fine, but you must ensure that the policy covers everything that is required by law, particularly if you are applying for a Schengen visa. This option may take time to look through all the different packages offered by hundreds of travel insurance providers. Holiday planning should be fun, not stressful!

The other alternative is to use Schengen Visa Itinerary. We are here to help you with your travel insurance requirements easily, without any hassle. We have years of experience in helping customers with their visa applications and can tell you what travel insurance plans would be suitable for a Schengen visa.

To assist you through this process smoothly, our team at Schengen Visa Itinerary has created several packages to suit the needs of different kinds of travelers. These packages not only include Travel Insurance for visa, but other required documents too, such as Hotel Booking for Visa Application, Flight Itinerary for visa application.

With regards to Schengen travel medical insurance for visa, Schengen Visa Itinerary offers three kinds of service options for you to choose from:

1.       Normal delivery – receive insurance letter for visa within 24 hours

2.       Priority delivery – receive insurance letter for visa within 6 hours

3.       Rush delivery – receive insurance letter for visa within 1 hour. You can speak with the support representatives on how to get this done

Simply pick a delivery option and we will get the job done for you quickly and efficiently. Let us do all the hard work, so you can enjoy the countdown to your trip!

Most insurance companies operate online, so you can simply purchase a travel insurance plan directly from their website.

To purchase one, all you have to do is follow the simple steps below:

1.       Visit the Schengen Visa Itinerary company website,

2.       Complete the online application form. You have to give your name, nationality, age, destination, and the dates of travel.

3.       Select which plan you want.

4.       Make the payment. You can usually pay by a credit/debit card or through PayPal. The cost of the insurance plan depends on the information you provided (age, length of trip) as well as the plan you chose.

5.       Download and print the Insurance Certificate. You need this to hand in to the Embassy when you apply for a visa. It will be in PDF format.

What is Dummy Hotel booking and Why Do You Need Dummy Hotel Bookings for Visa Applications?

The hotel booking or dummy hotel booking for a Schengen visa is authentic proof of paper that is required for backpackers or van travelers( van traveling is something that you visit the whole destinated Schengen country by using van (A home type van)). But in both cases, you need to submit a hotel booking along with your visa application for visa approval.

A dummy hotel reservation is simply a hotel booking specifically used for the purpose of getting a visa. The booking is created depending on your travel dates and once you know the outcome of your visa application, the hotel reservation dates can be changed or the booking can be cancelled if your visa gets rejected. The added advantage of getting a dummy hotel reservation is you do not pay for the hotel up front, so you will not lose any money if your visa gets rejected. There is just a basic service charge to the travel agent who does everything for you.

Why Do You Need Dummy Hotel Bookings for Visa Applications?

There are several answers to this question.

First of all, let us touch upon the main reason for the need for dummy hotel bookings for visa applications: On most embassy website, you will find a list of requirements that you need for your visa application. On each of these requirement lists, you will find a few requirements that are the same for almost all countries:

  • a hotel booking or reservation for your entire intended stay
  • a flight reservation with return flight

It is not exactly clear why the embassies require this information, because on the same page you will usually find a sentence stating, “It is advised against purchasing any tickets before the visa application has been approved.” It can be argued that this might be an outdated requirement, dating from the time when visa agents would book and hold the ticket for you until you confirmed that you wanted it. The other argument is that the embassy and visa officer do need to know your intended travel dates so they can approve your visa accordingly. No matter what the reason behind this requirement though, it is still mandatory and still a requirement you need to oblige to.

In other words; the embassies want proof of a reservation of both your flights and hotels, but they do not want you to actually pay for anything yet (in case your application is rejected).

As per the Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 of The European Parliament and of The Council of 13 July 2009, establishing a Community Code on Visas known as “Visa Code”, Proof of Accommodation is a rule of the visa application procedure that each Schengen country ought to apply to their foreign visa seekers.

You can get a dummy hotel booking for Schengen visa is by spending very little cost instead of spending a huge amount to buy a complete hotel room. Embassy or consulate recommended attaching a dummy hotel booking along with your visa application, because if you attach a complete hotel stay and your visa is denied then you will be lost a huge chunk of money.  So, always attach valid proof of accommodation/hotel booking with your Schengen visa application, which may lead increase in your visa approval chance.

However, there are specialized companies such as Schengen Visa Itinerary that will support your visa application by providing you with a dummy hotel booking confirmation for a small fee. This service is completely safe and is the most inexpensive way of dealing with hotel bookings prior to obtaining your visa.

They also offer Flight Reservation and affordable Travel Insurance to complete your visa requirements.

Should I Require a Verifiable Travel Itinerary for Visa Application Purpose and How to get this Verifiable Travel Itinerary?

Yes. As per embassy and consulate concerns, you should have a sustainable Travel Itinerary that can show you trip details and satisfy your detailed itinerary according to your visa application. They also demand that it be verifiable and valid for a visa processing time.

A Flight or a Travel Itinerary for Visa Application, as aforementioned, is not an actual air ticket you spend money for without ensuring that your Schengen Visa will not be denied. A travel itinerary for a Schengen visa is not much more than a document of a detailed plan of your flight or travel journey to the Schengen Area. In fact, it is only a flight timetable on the chosen flight airline, comprised of a flight name, your name, a valid flight reservation number or booking ID, arrival and departure date and airport IATA codes, as well as the price of a real Flight Ticket.

Thus, fulfilling the requirement of the Embassy or Consulate when striving to get a Schengen Visa with a Flight Itinerary or a Flight Reservation is the greatest and cheapest option! In such a case, you are not actually risking your entire money since you do not buy the actual Air Ticket for Visa.

Purpose of a Travel Itinerary for visa Processing

Whenever you are applying for a visa, to any country, specifically for Schengen countries, the embassies request you to submit flight reservation for visa processing. When we come across this demand, we are often worried on what would happen if the visa is rejected and you may have to bear the cost on the air ticket. The travel itinerary is to show the embassy that you have a concrete travel plans, and don’t intent to remain in the country illegally unlike what most travellers think but you don’t have to worry about this anymore. Now you do not have to buy expensive flight ticket for visa application before it gets approved. In fact, worldwide embassies advice travel itineraries instead buying actual tickets. It is a formality that is required to be presented for the sake of application.

How to get a verifiable Travel Itinerary for Visa Application?

You can also get a confirmed Flight Itinerary/Reservation through a travel agency or through an online visa agency such as Schengen Visa Itinerary. It is always recommended to get a flight reservation through these agencies because they have a lot of information about airlines, giving you access to cheaper flight deals. Most importantly, you can make the flight reservation without payment!

Getting a Flight Itinerary with a Booking number without paying the full price for the flight ticket is simple:

•        Go to https://www.schengenvisaitinerary.com/

•        Choose the right travelling package (Flight Itinerary, Hotel Reservation and Travel Insurance) for you,

•        Submit your flight details and proceed with the payment,

•        You will receive an email with all the details of your flight reservation.

Once you are done with submitting your travel details and payment, you will receive your documents on your email within the time frame, which includes all the information about your travel plan. You can get a printout of this email and submit it along with the rest of your visa documents. Schengen Visa Itinerary provides 24-hours support and other specialized assistance for all your visa application requirements.

Can You Buy Travel Insurance After Booking a Flight and When Should You Buy Travel Insurance?

Yes, travelers can purchase travel insurance anytime up until the day before they leave for their trip. In most cases, travel insurance is bought right after the bookings are made. This will give you a clear idea about the extent of coverage you need and any add-ons you should include in your policy. Therefore, if you need to purchase travel insurance and you have yet to depart for your trip, you may still do so.

When Should You Buy Travel Insurance?

Generally, people tend to buy travel insurance a little after making the bookings for their flights, hotels, and other touchpoints in their journey.

•        Early Booking and Long Gap between Booking Date & Travel Date.

The answer depends on the gap between the day you have booked everything and the day you set out to travel. If you are making the travel bookings a few months in advance, you can wait for some time and then book the travel insurance. This makes sense because early bookings also give you the advantage of early cancellation without paying hefty penalties. Therefore, you can work without insurance in this particular scenario.  

•        Late Booking and Lesser Gap between Booking Date & Travel Date.

Most of us do not book a travel plan months in advance. We might have an idea early on, but we make the bookings closer to departure date. In this case, it makes sense to buy travel insurance as soon as possible, ideally within days of having booked the tickets and accommodation. The reason for doing this is very simple – you get the benefits of pre-departure coverage. It is advisable to compare travel insurance plans before making a haste purchase, as this would help invest in the best plan with all necessary inclusions and added benefits. Travel insurance policies also tend to include trip cancellation clauses. If your trip gets unfortunately cancelled for a reason stated in the policy documents, you can cancel the trip while getting a good enough reimbursement. The answer can also depend on how frequently you plan to travel:

•        For people who plan to have multiple trips in a year, a plan covering 90, includes multiple trips, and extends for a year will offer the maximum benefit.

•        For people who take only one or two trips in a year, an individual travel insurance plan covering one trip will suffice.

Additionally, if you are looking for affordable Travel Insurance provider then give it a try Schengen Visa Itinerary. They are offering flight reservation for visa, hotel booking at your destinations and travel insurance for any Schengen visa country.

If you need support with an upcoming trip to the Schengen Area, please contact us today.

Will I need to pay full payment for Hotel Booking and How to get valid proof of accommodation without paying for my Schengen visa application?

Actually No, if you book your hotel reservation from Schengen Visa Itinerary you just need to pay full payment for the hotel after your visa is approved and you arrive in your applied city, then you need to pay the full payment by yourself directly to the hotel.

How to get valid proof of accommodation without paying for my Schengen visa application?

If you are applying for a Schengen visa for any of the 26 countries in the Schengen area, you will need to provide the proof of accommodation as part of your visa application. This will ensure you have the best chance of getting your visa approved.

Typically, hotels and online hotel booking agencies charge an amount of money to their clients as a deposit for reservations when booking their hotel accommodation for visa application.

There are safe and inexpensive online hotel booking agencies, which have their costumer placed in the centre of their commerce. Such is the case of Schengen Visa Itinerary, where you can get a hotel confirmation letter for visa application in short, with actual hotel reservations that the visa consulate can affirm, and all this at a low cost. When booking with this agency, there is a possibility for you not to make the reservation yourself and no demand to use your credit card. The hotel reservation package includes all the days of the trip anywhere in Europe, based on your travel route. Moreover, this online agency will support you with the necessary documentation templates that you need to use for the Schengen Visa Application. What is more, the Schengen Visa Itinerary takes care of cancelling or correcting hotel-booking requests without charging you anything. Everything is organized in a very professional way and accordance with the Schengen Visa formal requirements.

Generally, you need to check your confirmation number because; if you have a valid booking or reservation number then you will not need to worry about it. Because you are choosing schengenvisaitinerary.com, we provide a 100% verifiable and valid hotel booking confirmation letter but be aware if you try to submit a fake and invalid hotel booking to the diplomatic office then they will reject your visa application if not able to verify your hotel booking at the time of confirmation. The diplomatic office will confirm your reservation by directly contacting the hotel, either through written email or by other means.

If you are looking for a Proof of Accommodation or hotel booking for your visa application process, you are landing in the right place.

Just follow these simple steps to get your accommodation confirmation letter via Email.

1.       Go to https://www.schengenvisaitinerary.com/

2.       Select the Hotel Booking plan under Pricing & Plan Section.

3.       Fill the Details

4.       Make a payment

5.       Get your Accommodation Proof at your Email

6.       Print and attach it with your visa application documents.

We are always trying to serve our valuable customers most easily. We also offer Flight Reservation and affordable Travel Insurance to complete your visa requirements.

Please Note: We are providing an authentic proof of accommodation for your visa application, which is verifiable any time by confirmation number or by directly to the hotel (You can contact to hotel management via email for verification).